When the 2 shield argonians spawn, I usually kill the first one I see and just hope there isn't a mushroom by the other. It doesn't take long at all to get accustomed to the rhythm of these rounds and you will find most of the times you die is by carelessly going near a poison plant. another *****in thing in the game that caters to the elite gamers! Do not underestimate the clannfear's damage: its regular attack does 6K and has an annoying snare and its tail swipe does 15K. If you PvP and use Eye of the Storm, that's still better than anything else. if you don't like it, stop running it and go back to what you do like in the game. Spammable DPS skills that do nothing but instant damage are almost obsolete, a luxury to use only when your resource bar is nearly full. The whole key to this fight is that the boss will enrage and just insta-kill you every 150 seconds you do not stun her by clearing all the obelisks. Yes jump off. FINAL BOSS This is why you are here, right? There are multiple rewards in the Maelstrom Arena. Unlike sorcerers, your heavy hitter (Spectral Bow) does return magicka on a kill. ESO Orsinium Maelstrom Arena Tips 12/01/2015 share to Maelstrom arena as a new sole challenge, features nine combat rings and two different difficulty levels. This is probably the one thing that some players are going to disagree with me. Nothing else is more important than killing horvers next to the obelisks. Don't feel the need to roll a pet sorc! You deweb them by killing the horvors near them (you can interact with the grenade and throw it at a webbed obelisk ala White Gold Tower, but a high damaging AOE will spawn under you making this something best avoided). Every stage is "hard" until you get accustomed to the fights, opponents, threats and develop a strategy for defeating them. He's a gatekeeper of sorts, meant to let you know "if you can't beat me, you have no shot at completing this." 4. With the above two in mind, I like Inferno / Resto staff. Use your good stuff when you actually get good at the arena. Here's what I would do. If you don't have enough stam for deadly cloak to be active, that's okay. Stage Eight: Daedra IslandI also didn't think this stage was particularly that hard. I don't remember the exact wording, but it's basically a thank you letter from Fah-Nuit-Hen. Resto offer Mutagen, which makes you even more tanky. The third ghost will spawn and the boss will then teleport and do a channeled attack. The melee adds like to stun you (which in combination with the archers, would normally be deadly). Sometimes it’s fun when it’s hard tests you to get better and not just be a 1 trick pony, Erased all the stupid references. You will get Rekt repeatedly. There is a separate leaderboard for each class in ESO. Surprisingly, my DPS felt comparable and not too bad at all (even more surprising since I opted for a resto staff. I heard vMA is all about DPS. I included a video below of me clearing VMA not using any spellpower potions, having zero "end-game" gear, only using 300 CPs (yes, 300! Grab the Defensive Sigil. It’s a 100% mechanics arena. In both the Normal and Veteran modes you can be rewarded with these new sets. She will drop a standard and then try to chain you in. Five: Crematorium Guard and a soul-thethering NB spawn at the start. Should be right net to boss. Note: I used to use Inhale and think it's a fantastic skill. Pet are strong DPS contributors, can sometimes draw aggro, and the Twilight offers a strong native class health. Aren't you oversimplifying? Besides, the amount of time you're stuck in ghost form and for the arena to reset is about the same as if you rode your horse from the wayshrine. Once you free up a slot, always slot Inferno. Maelstrom Arena is the solo version of DSA, the four player based arena combat. If you need resources and are in trouble, drop your destro ultimate on a bunch of trash rather than trying to save it for a boss that you won't get to anyway because you're going to die. You do need skills like Reflective Scales, Healing Ward, and Elemental Drain. These are of course stats we are looking for as a tank. The boss burning rotation standard is as followed: Endless Hail+Light Attack+Caltrops+Light Attack+Poison Injection+Light Attack+Bar Switch+Light Attack+Rend+Light Attack+(Flurry+Light Attack)*5+Reactivate Hurricane and Deadly Cloak+Repeat whole process=Success. The trolls are annoying because their rocks snare you and hit for high damage ... do not let your health go below 50% Vs. them. This way even when you go into "turtle" mode healing, shielding, blocking, etc., the Crematorium Guard dies soon enough. eso maelstrom arena. You can pull a respectable DPS parse with a backbar nirnhoned restoration staff with spell/weapon damage glyph). Sometimes you don't have a destro ultimate. Not easy, Grab the heall sigil if you need the boost (you want to save the others). Once you develop a strategy, you will wonder how it was you died so many times before. Consider this a flex skill; the only two fights I think the “Jesus Beam” is a net positive is the spider boss of stage 6 and the Final boss (if you have the glory morph, it's good Vs. the Lamia boss of stage 3 as well). The key to this whole area is to make sure you have at least 2 and ideally 3 of the obelisks free of webs. 330K wont get you on the leaderboards, the lowest score on the xbox NA leaderboards at the moment is 420k and thats for DKs, for sorcs the lowest is usually around 500k. Thanks for the guide. The first time I got to it, I cleared the four rounds with only like three deaths without even knowing the mechanics. The first two round just have one troll and it's pretty easy to deal with. Heavy armor gives you lots of resistances and max health. you have to be wearing bis gold gear to farm this content for bis weapons! More DoTs and heavy attacking, less Surpise Attacking. If you are on the island with two sigals. If possible, I recommend using your Destro ultimate when the spider stops, to ensure you get every tick (as a bonus, you'll also catch the sphere that spawn). You only care about one thing: getting to the top and stage two. the weekly rewards … This is very stamina intensive. You've got to put DoTs on them so they'll die even when you got your are in "turtle" mode. Stage Nine: Theatre of Pain The preliminary rounds are legit hard. You will get frustrated. I googled several different guides and they turned out to be bull*****! Not just because DLC dungeons are tougher, slower, and a bit more mech-heavy, but because I simply can't depend on a pug team to synergize and get through it in less than an hour. Caltrops is strong. Fecking Zenimax make its extremly difficult ....f you zeni. Poison Injection is also fantastic. Just jump in the lava because failing to burn the boss after three phases is death due to her new attack: a fire wave that covers the whole arena and is a one shot. After this, all that's left is the final boss! Summoners will walk to the center and try to conjure a Bone Colossus. I am a bit out of practice and it's been a long time since I've had 300 CPs, but if I can get a 400K score on a class that isn't considered strong for this content, then I think that undermines the claims made by some (frustrated) players that vMA is inaccessible to the masses of the ESO community. If you can do that, quite frankly you shouldn't die to the regular adds. If you are having trouble with the lurcher, I'd recommend the healing sigil. You have to avoid / dodge them. Also you dont need to kill the spectral dogs, just the last giant and the mage add. You have to make sure your health pool is topped off when fighting her. It took me a long time to get accustomed to the fight and I found it very frustrating because it seemed like there was too high potential for death by random stuff you have zero control. Repeatedly. Nothing is more important than killing webspinners. If you do not heed this advice, you will run out of resources. Sigils will re-spawn between each round within an arena, so don't be afraid to use them! Not going to lie, it's important because the more you have the easier vMA gets. Huge mistake. Now to perfect my own mechanics to try for some scores. When the argonians spawn, immediately deal with them. Zerg surf in Cyordiil for a weekend to get these skills. You need stamina this stage. Skills I'd recommend: Elemental Blockade, Elemental Drain, Winter's Revenge, Deep Fissure, Swarm (either morph), Leeching Vines, Harness Magicka, Heal (Mushroom or Healing Ward), Blue Betty, DPS spammable (Force shock recommended, Birds if you're spiteful like me). If there are multiple, move next to ranged, put down your ground DoTs and be effecient with your resources. The Dragonstar Arena is a group-based arena in Upper Craglorn.. Once you go back upstairs, the Soul Churn damage is minimal and walls are slow-moving (they reset). Stage Six: Spider Daedra.This round is also hard and not going to lie, the boss is pain because it does a lot of unavoidable damage and there is an automatic "you lose" mechanic. One of the big differences between November 2015 and now is that veteran players will have very different builds and capabilities than newer players. ***** ZOS devs and product managers for even putting this absolute piece of***** instance in the game. I … Ive never heard that term, are you sure you dont mean min-max? This is the only boss fight that sort of resembles a DPS rotation, just stay inside the green circle and do your thing (and your thing better include having HoTs to mitigate the residual damage. Your can read more here about how we use donations on the About Us page and learn what rewards donations will unlock for your Foundry Network account. You will doubt your ESO competence. Supplement that with a couple skills that are more geared to keeping you alive than damage (such as Inhale, Funnel Health, Healing Ward, Leeching Vines, Reflective Scales, Refreshing [Instead of Twisting] Path, etc.) Join. (Though if you use one, you're really hard to kill and can almost stumble into a Flawless run like I did). There is a rhythm to DPSing the add, dodging the boss, and going back to that third totem. Once a time when even the questing zones occasionally required players to use their abilities and do things like block. Your DPS ultimate is always Elemental Rage. The poison plants that spawn under the shield! Keep it simple. You'll also want to pay particular attention to your surroundings as there may be ways to use the environment or certain features to your advantage. For us as tanks, heavy armor is the most important one. The other attack is lethal; it will shake and fire 5 lightning spheres. Transmutation has been added to Elder Scrolls Online in the base game update of Clockwork City!. You are going to have to do this fight the way the devs intended. I have 20 destruction staffs and I still come back to vMA from time to time because I want to stay sharp, want to see if I can do better, want to test builds under real conditions (as opposed to defenseless target dummies), and because one of the reasons I became addicted to ESO in the first place was because I liked having potent character abilities to deal with enemies that were actually threatening (I was in Beta). A really good stamina player told me that Vigor should be used exactly the same way as shields. If you are magicka, I like using destro ultimate for this situation. 6. I’m a PS4 NA guy so I can’t speak for PC but I highly suspect you would need a 500k+ score. When you DoTs fall off or if you move, *reapply them*. Sigil of Healing: Grants you a powerful heal over time. What's more important is learning how to survive Vs. multiple attackers and environmental hazards. Kite/CC melee (you are hasted, should be easy). Don't forget the Haste glyph, My favorite trick for magicka characters: you can go all out damage if you use the Lich set as a "back bar" with Lich weapons, ideally sword and shield though Destruction and Restoration Staffs work too. You then get 3 annoying and dangerous adds. It's because you don't know the mechanics and thus lack a strategy to defeat them. It's not a hard fight, just a pain because it's resource intensive because of you must heal through unavoidable damage. The boss will begin his necrotic wave attack. I would not once use a spammable on the main boss. Regular Rounds:Again, not hard at all. The Maelstrom weapons can drop for the last boss of. Dragonknight Advice: My highest vMA score is on a DK. As long as you dodge out of it, you should be fine. Gold Ghost (if near boss, moves up priority list), Kill Summoner. These categories are light armor, medium armor and heavy armor. Be sure to hold block when you hear the standard drop. When she dies, you do nothing else but DPS the boss. Rewards. You go to the island where the troll goes. Some Overall General Guidelines. The further away you are from the boss, the more time you have to react to the fire spewing. Webspinners spawn about every 10 seconds after you kill them so you must remain vigilant. It does take good DPS to do, though not strictly necessary. As long as you block the Uppercut and don;t stand in red, they go down easily enough provided your ground DoTs make short work of the regular mobs. General principles: If you get thrown off the top. I used it, took it slow and got my first vMA pass with my DE DK. The speed sigil is right there. Now, finally, do you concentrate your DPS on boss. So not a huge deal, which is why I recommend simply jumping off the top if the Soul Churn damage is too much. While I'm not 100% sure on how Blade Cloak's mechanics interact with some of the environmental hazards in VMA, I want to say every stage is AoE and should be reduced. The boss got a gold ghost. This fight is going to be hard until you get used to it, that's just the way it is. I wasn't expecting it, so I must have clicked through and deleted the reward mail with my daily hireling mail. Since I skimmed through and didnt see/probably passed stamina class advice, I'd like to note a few tips for us stam sorcs: 1. The Ogrim does a lot of ranged damage and is difficult to melee because of its belly stun attack. Dealing with the skull attacks is very stamina intensive. Thank you so much for this!! DPS + healing skills are super useful here. Then they know the exact pattern of the Crystal phase so they always destroy them before the soul churn damage is too high, and then just come down, use their ultimate and flat out burn the boss. After you kill the CG, grab the power sigil and do as much DPS on the titan as possible (if you are melee, dodge/block his slap attack). Let me say that again: burst down single targets rather than AoEing them. Note: it's hard to get the ghosts in this round, can't rely on them. Ye second biggest killer is running out of stamina on a magicka build. Generally I block the skull attacks if I'm not near a red circle. Block / Dodge their wrecking blow! Leaderboard is an automatic VMA weapon through mail if you place top 100 weekly, you probably wont get on that as the top 100 is usually best of the best with the big time sweaties running up to 8 toons per week not to mention the people who boost others for a gold/money fee and you dont always get a weapon drop upon completion. Flame atros will spawn; ignore them. Stage Three: Lamia Islands The first stage where the early rounds will start killing you. I cannot confirm this but if you know you are way behind clearing the obelisks it's worth a shot]. There are 4 waves of adds; once you learn where the summoners spawn and correctly prioritize them, the round isn't that hard (but until you do you will wipe) Get those Gold Ghosts! Swallow Soul, Cripple, Refreshing Path, Elemental Blockades, Impale, Merciless Resolve, Double Take, Harness Magicka, Leeching Strikes, Healing Ward, and Sap Essence are all going to be really useful strong for beginners. If you miss more than 1 webspinner/horver, you will lose and there is nothing you can do about it. And because I was taking more damage, that manifested in draining my resources faster. Can a primary bow build do this? You need to learn the tell for when the boss breaks an island because it is a one-shot if you are even near the island. I am a sorcerer, watch me shield spam! The boss has a large ground AOE that does 25K damage. Force Shock is a more versatile spammable than Flame Lash. Regular Rounds: Not much to say here because these are pretty easy. You keep them dewebbed by killing the webspinners that try to web your open ones up. The enemies start CCing and snaring you which is a pain. I wasn't expecting it, so I must have clicked through and deleted the reward mail with my daily hireling mail. Never let your ground DoTs fall off. Let me repeat that. vMA (and for me all Instanced areas) begins to lag noticeably the longer I am in it. That leaves 1 flex spot. Anyone can do it. You *must* objectively analyze what is killing you as you develop your strategy. Much of your DPS and sustain is going to come from heavy attacking. Sure, the boss did her AOE while I had to stand in a safe zone once in a while, but my DPS was inefficient and wasted too many resources; I was too concerned with doing a DPS rotation on the boss instead of allowing my DoTs to do the work and keeping an eye out for hovors/webspinners. Hurricane+Deadly cloak active is like a free whirlwind every second for 15 seconds which is free stamina. Don't compound the problem playing mad. So I see the little sentries as targets of convenience rather than priority. Also, one reason I like resto staff back bar is you will have that ultimate up for the burn phase, which can provide the critical difference if your DPS isn't on point.. Learn where and when the adds spawn and make intelligent use of the defensive sigil! This will be an EXPENSIVE undertaking and you don't want to waste your resources when you are wiping because you have not developed a strategy yet. If you think about it, you'll actually be doing more DPS on boss this way since he'll be damaging himself so it's not a big deal if the boss gets a ghost. Your overly complex super duper killer combo that works on target dummies won't work in vMA. Elemental Drain is very handy. Until you get the hang of this fight, the Shield, Haste, and Heal Sigils are all extremely useful and using them together you can have 90 seconds of a super survivable build. The Soul Churn damage will kill you faster the CG. I shouldn't have to write this, but I will. Ground Dots on both. Two: Noticeable difficulty spike because the last two waves have difficult pulls: A Crematorium Guard + adds and then an Ogrim + NB stunner + DK taloner. Maelstrom Arena is a solo progressive challenge in Elder Scrolls Online. But it's not necessary to have elite DPS. So this opens up options. This is why I think heal+DPS at the same time is so strong, you don't have to worry about kiting bosses. So YOU control the pace of the fight. I think people who clear this in under an hour forget that vMA is easy for them, not for folks who are struggling so much that their frustrations unfortunately carry over to the people they are living with. Healing Ward is an amazing skill, such that even Templars and DKs who have strong native burst heals are going to consider running it. Boss: Easy peasy if you have high DPS. The have a deadly Lightning Wall and their "bounce" melee attack does a ton of damage. Again, this guide is meant to help folks get their first clear; my advice is not intended and indeed may not be productive for maximizing a score. These are incredibly powerful, are available every single round of every single stage, and can carry decent players through the challenges vMA throws. Burning Embers is a fantastic skill as it's cheap, does very efficient damage, and heals. When he teleports a healer and a crematorium guard will spawn and until you learn how to consistently beat this, you will *never* finish. If you get in trouble, Heal Sigil is the way to go because you want to save the Haste + Shield for the lurcher spawn (you can safely get in a bunhc of heavy attacks with Heal Sigil active). Seriously, Pulsar is a suboptimal skill that only works in easy as pie overland PvE content. Your back bar should be bow and you NEED Poison Injection, Caltrops, Endless Hail, and Dark Deal. You'll never catch it. It's just rotten timing. It's not your build. But because it was so unforgiving. It's hard to describe what I do to kill them, but if you look at my video below, you can see that even with just 300 CP and meh gear, I don;t have a problem killing them. In my belief, the Spider Boss is something of a gatekeeper as I found everything in the arena is more manageable until the final boss. About the trolls breaking platforms; they are targets of convenience rather than priority. A DK with Eye of the Storm might consider Banner, though I still think Eye is superior because its AoE is larger and it's burst. When you stop dying, then consider putting it back on. There are enough HoTs here that even newer players might not need two shields (instead use Double Take to prevent incoming damage). Just rez at wayshrine. The big threat in this stage are the Spheres. I'd rather have two skills than +8% magicka form Bound Aegis. If you are good at running vMA, I highly suggest you do it with all the characters you think you stand a chance to get a spot on the leaderboard with. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, [PC|NA] #BosmerMasterRace | @TheInvalidUsername. You don't need whirlwind. So the intended strategy is obvious: grab every gold ghost, you can always super-stun the CG and avoid that mechanic as well. Every single person who has come onto these forums saying they can't DPS the crystals down has not used enough DoTs and relied too much on Force Pulse, Surprise Attack, and such. After about 10 seconds or so, he will teleport, follow him and keep nuking him. I want to save it just in case the boss grabs a gold ghost because that means you have to actually fight the Crematorium Guard as you won't be able to stun it. The only real threat the mobs offer is the centurions slam attack that you will have to block/dodge. There's the obvious reason: the two best PvE weapons in the game drop here (Destruction Staff, Bow). Often it is recast as soon as it drops. You don't need to have "BiS" gear, don't need to be a magicka ranged class, don't need a "meta" build, don't even need max CPs. The archer adds are high damage, but since you have access to the defensive sigil, you can neutralize them every round. The pattern then repeats itself with higher damage and a faster wall. VMA is fun. Don't rush to enemies to jab them. The PvPish build relies on great single target burst and a restoration back-bar for heals. There's no RNG here, everything targets you - everything stacks so you can't target what you need to, and conveniently enough, everything stuns you at exactly the right moment when the AoE hits. Anyway, here's again the lst of things you need to do. Rez at wayshrine. You rotation is way way way more important for your DPS than your gear. Sword and shield works like a charm for Templars and Wardens. Wait until he uses his negate so he doesn't use it to erase your 250 cost ultimate! I recommend saving your ultimate for the first CG spawn until you're good enough to unfailingly burn the boss to 70%. However since I do the other weekly any of my top 100 weekly leaderboard did grant me with a reward mail from ZOS. But, you *must* maintain your DoTs while sweeping because Sweeps DPS on its own isn't great. The first time I did this on my sorcerer, I got Rekt and stage 5 and the final boss killed me time after time after time after time, and that was when sorcs shields lasted 20 seconds, critical surge could grant 20K heals, and Overload was OP. VMA will humble you and if you are doing it for any reason other than the (accepted) challenge, you are going to subject yourself to too much aggravation. Malestrom Weapons are like Master … vMA leaderboard reward mail I got on the vMA leaderboard for the first time last week and didn't realize it until I found a gold Maelstrom weapon in my inventory. Julianos is strong for every magicka class, it's a good default. Valkyn Skoria is great for this because it is a good DPS set and has the health bonus you need. Have a build that useful against something other than a target dummies. Harness magicka is on your front bar. I send death wishes to creator fo this*****. Fights will be more drawn out, but you're more apt to survive in dangerous situations. Regular Rounds:You first priority is not dying. Ultimate or shield sigil! Crystal Frags is still efficient and good DPS when it procs (only ever use this skill when it does proc), but the loss of the stun dropped the skill's usefulness down a notch or two. Cry and want to cast this, all with a backbar nirnhoned restoration is. ( if near boss, rather you will have the light 's Champion ultimate for... Dubious Camlorn throne and get rewarded with these new sets let alone move and navigate to obelisks...: my highest vMA score is on a DK that hits for 9k challenge... If your DPS is not to rely on Mushrooms as a player after this... Except 12 man Trials and PvP players who use the Regeneration skill uses cookies to ensure get! 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