Instead, the upending is achieved by hoisting down the block of one of the two cranes while the other is hoisted up. Washington, DC: API. Jacket has to be designed to withstand the loads involved during tow-out, transportation, and launching. A fixed substructure is that part of an offshore platform which sits on the seabed and is rigidly connected to it by means of foundation piles (e.g. The Hibernia gravity base structure was designed using HPC made with a Type 10 SF cement (Type 1 ASTM cement containing 7%–8% silica fume) and a polynaphthalene superplasticizer, in order to resist the impact of huge icebergs (Hoff & Elimov, 1995; Woodhead, 1993). Condeep is a make of gravity-based structure for oil platforms developed by engineer Olav Mo in Hoeyer-Ellefsen and fabricated by Norwegian Contractors in Stavanger, Norway. Fig. A Condeep usually consists of a base of concrete oil storage tanks from which one, three or four concrete shafts rise. Today, this approach is embraced by the industry worldwide and is reflected in recommended practices, design codes, and standards. Hence, the template carries no load from the deck but merely hangs from the top of the piles and provides lateral support to them. The flotation devices are subsequently flooded to enable the jacket to sink slowly into its final resting place. After, the verticality and orientation of the jacket base are achieved, piles are grouted to the pile sleeves. The suction pile is forced into the soil by the pressure difference over the bottom of the bucket as water is pumped out from within the bucket. Design and Construction of Deep Water Jacket Platforms. Tension Leg Platform 3. More information. Thus, the maximum horizontal component that can be applied is inversely proportional to the value of the coefficient of friction (μ), and therefore, in spite of being cheap and easy to make, the applicability of the gravity anchor is restricted to vertical (or near vertical) loads on a flat stable seabed. Many types of offshore structures are in service. A jacket structure being launched is shown in Fig. An appropriate wave theory is used to calculate the water-particle velocities and accelerations. 7, ensures the cost-effective life-cycle management of offshore structures. The rocker arms are two beams that are installed at the stern of the barge in line with the skid beams. Given its size, several tugs tow the GBS at a very slow speed of 2 knots or less. Single cranes with two blocks can be used for upending smaller jackets with the jacket length aligned with the plane of the crane boom. The structure and pile share the axial load from the deck and the compressive and tensile loads from the overturning moment produced by lateral wave loads. The grouted jacket has a direct downward load path for shear and moments. Bottom-founded structures, with the notable exception of the Gravity Base Structures (GBS e.g. A discussion on the detailed design of bottom-supported structures is presented in Chapter 6. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Spoilt for Choice: How to Classify and Select Minimum Facility Solutions. Figure 1.4. Some companies prefer to place packers in the bottom of each template leg and to grout the annular space between the leg and pile from bottom to top. Paper presented at the 2001 Conference on Minimal Offshore Facilities of the Future, League City, Texas, 9–11 October. The jacket structure is first placed on the seabed, and the foundation piles are driven through the pile sleeves (often called skirt piles) and grouted to form the support system for the structure. As the size of a jacket structure increases, it is built and transported on a cargo barge in the horizontal position. Once the jacket is secured with its foundation system, the topsides structure can be installed as separate modules or as a single integrated unit; see Fig. As illustrated, the concrete bottom structure is constructed in dry dock. The purpose of this consolidation was to emphasize ... construction and surveys for maintenance of class. Larger jackets may require flotation devices to assist in their installation. 4—Jacket structure being launched (photographic Services, Shell Int., London). Some are better suited to certain environmental and operational criteria; some are limited by availability of construction sites; and some are chosen simply by subjective preference of an owner/operator. Fig. Find a Structure or Project ... Name Structure Type -- All Structure Types - Barge Caisson Caisson supported on jackets/piles Catenary moored floating platform Compliant tower Floating dyke Floating tension-anchored concrete platform Gravity base structure Pontoon Reclamation ground Ring pontoon base Spar platform Tension leg platform (TLP) Jackets with a single caisson type leg also exist. There are several methods of upending jackets: Two-block upending – upending in air or partially in water using two crane blocks. Additional equipment such as flooding valves, umbilicals and pumps are also needed. GRAVITY-BASED OFFSHORE LNG TERMINALS JANUARY 2011 ... Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) for all units, installations, vessels or systems in offshore service. Equivalent practices exist in other countries such as the U.K. and Norway. Once in water, the jacket base section would be upended by the derrick barge assisted by the jacket buoyancy. 2, can be calculated with specialized computer software available to the industry. Each of the Brent Field’s GBS is roughly equivalent in weight to the Empire State Building. Grouting procedures for the skirt sleeve-to-pile must recognize that grout placement and inspection will be done remotely. “Compliant” bottom-founded structures are usually designed so that their lowest natural frequency is below the energy in the waves. A Condeep type GBS under construction in Norway. Construction of gravity structures is fast and routine and usually cheaper than other foundation types since concrete is not subjected to high price fluctuations like steel [16], [17]. The jacket base section is transported on and launched off the deck of a launch cargo barge at site. Offshore structures are mainly represented by platforms, notably jackup rigs, steel jacket structures and gravity-based structures. 4 and is consistent with Step 3 in Fig. Compliancy is achieved using options such as the taut wires connected to heavy chains on seabed or disconnectable pile connections. 1 is a modern example of a jacket structure designed for operation in 350 ft. of water. Figure 14.2 shows a single block upend operation. concrete platform for oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico was installed in 1950. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Piles installed through sleeves on the outside of the leg structure are connected to the sleeve by grouting the pile-sleeve annulus. The construction and installation of GBSs is entirely different from that employed for jacket structures. The torn surface had to be repaired at a very high cost (Figure 18.3). In this method, the jacket is pre-rigged with two sets of four slings. TYPE OF PLATFORMS (FIXED) s CONCRETE GRAVITY STRUCTURES: – Fixed-bottom structures made from concrete – Heavy and remain in place on the seabed without the need for piles – Used for moderate water depths up to 300 M. – Part construction is made in … Selecting a structure type is the first major structural design task after environmental and operational criteria have been defined and will sometimes require preliminary design of several concepts before a choice is made. Depending on the water depth and the means of transport, the tower can be made in one or more sections. The jacket structure is placed horizontally on a flat-topped barge and towed to site. The rocker arms serve to support the jacket weight as it rotates over the barge stern and dives into the water. Jacket is designed to be uprighted by a crane vessel, then sunk to the seabed with systematic flooding. … The jacket legs need to be made buoyant by installing rubber diaphragms at the bottom of the legs and steel caps at the tops. Additional components of the topsides include: Often, a drilling derrick forms part of the equipment for drilling and maintenance of the wells. Sections 14.8.2 and 14.9.3 include more information on launching. They are connected to the stern through hinges. The weight of the launch truss normally constitutes a significant part of the jacket weight. Fig. The grouted pile also provides additional strength to the tubular joints where horizontal and diagonal bracing is welded to the legs. Temporary loading conditions may very well govern the structural design. Lee, G.C. Figure 14.5. Fig. The CGBS have no oil storage facilities and the topside installations will be carried out in the field by a … Table 14.1. The horizontal force from waves consists of drag forces from the kinetic energy of the water and inertia forces from the water-particle accelerations. The design and construction of the huge concrete gravity base structures represent a remarkable achievement by the offshore industry. The gravity base, which applies vertical pressure to the area below, stands on the seabed. In these cases, the piles are either grouted or welded to connect the piles to the jacket and permit the topside and jacket loads to be transmitted to the piles and into the soil. When the possibility of combined tidal stream and swell forces is considered, a high safety factor will be necessary for a satisfactory confidence level, especially for buoyant submerged devices. The size of the jackets that can be upended with a single crane is limited. Fig. 6—Topsides modules being lift-installed (courtesy of BP). GBSs are constructed with reinforced concrete and consist of a cellular base surrounding several unbraced columns that extend upward from the base to support the topsides superstructure above the water surface. To avoid any slump loss during mixing due to the dry state of the lightweight aggregates, it was decided to keep the coarse lightweight aggregate continuously saturated by sprinkling water on the stockpiles 24 hours per day. The topsides structure is similar to that for steel-jacket structures (i.e., it is either an integrated steel-deck configuration or is of modular construction with a module support frame). 10—Construction of the Troll platform (Photographic Services, Shell Intl., London). A typical sequence of steps involved in the installation of a jacket structure by launching is shown in Fig. Jackets typically have three, four, six or eight legs. Once the towers are constructed and topped off, the whole structure is ballasted down to receive the topsides deck and modules. Gravity Base Structures placed on the seafloor and held in place by their weight Troll A gas platform, world's tallest concrete structure in North Sea Offshore Engineering and Technology The construction commences in a dry dock adjacent to the sea. 17.5). Fig. The template or jacket structure is a steel space frame that supports, above water, a superstructure comprising one or more decks for production equipment and facilities needed to support and maintain production. 9—Concrete platform construction and installation (courtesy of MSL Engineering). The hull of a GBS is made of several tanks that are used to store oil and ballast. Its size, and the large environmental forces, can cause design problems. Guyed Tower, Delta Tower and other bottom-supported structures that rotate about their base, whenever the lateral excitation forces exceed the predetermined design limit, are defined as compliant structures. Help with editing, Content of PetroWiki is intended for personal use only and to supplement, not replace, engineering judgment. The construction of concrete gravity platforms is altogether different from that employed for template-type structures. Shell U.K. Exploration and Production: Design Report for Brigantine BG, report No. 14.5. The benchmark design guidelines and standard for fixed steel structures is the American Petroleum Institute (API) RP2A, which was first published in 1969. The maximum securing force (W) that a gravity base can exert is given by. Gravity base structures (GBS) are very large structures that sit on the seabed and resist sliding and overturning loads by friction and soil bearing capacity. Thus when the applied lateral wind, wave and current forces exceed the design limit, chains are lifted off the seabed or the pile connections released, to turn the fixed structure into a rotationally compliant structure (i.e. A fixed substructure is that part of an offshore platform which sits on the seabed and is rigidly connected to it by means of foundation piles (e.g. Bottom-founded structures are called “fixed” when their lowest natural frequency of flexural motion is above the highest frequency of significant wave excitation. Gravity Platforms: Design and Construction Overview. Jacket- and tower-type fixed platforms, jackups. Hard, C. 2001. Grouting is undertaken to fill any voids under the base. The first concrete gravity-base structure in U.S. waters was installed in 1978 (Hunteman et al., 1979). The installation methods of the following substructures are covered in this section: The jacket is a space frame structure made of tubular steel members. The Troll A platform is a Condeep gravity-based structure offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. The method of installation depends on the weight and the physical dimensions of the jacket and on the capacity of the installation equipment. 2.6. Presented at: Long-Span and High-Rise Structures , IABSE Symposium, Kobe, 1998 , … The offshore structure shown in Fig. Condeeps), are typically constructed from welded steel tubular members. These To achieve this objective, two solutions were implemented: first, an increase of the air content of concrete (1% of additional air decreases the unit weight by 25 kg/m3), and second, the replacement of 50% of the coarse aggregate by an equivalent volume of coarse lightweight aggregate imported from Texas. Masui, Naoki / Yoshida, Iwao / Rustad, Kjell (1998): Application of gravity base structure technology to bridge substructures. The south face of the circular gravity base was exposed to the sun and protected from the chilly north wind, while the north face was exposed to a quite cold temperature. League City, Texas: PennWell Conferences and Exhibitions. Figure 14.1 shows a two-block upend operation. Fig. Once constructed, this is floated out and moored in a deepwater protected harbor. Concrete Gravity Base Structures (CGBS) is a further development of the first-generation Condeep drilling/production platforms installed in the North Sea between the late 1970s and mid '90s. Generated inertia forces act against the excitation forces, thereby reducing the net applied loads on the structure. Piles are transported to the site on cargo barges, lifted off and upended, using the cranes of the derrick barge, lowered, stabbed through the jacket base pile sleeves and driven to target penetration as shown in Fig. Because the cost of piling is substantial, an alternative concept that has been developed is the suction pile, or bucket foundation, because its visual appearance is one of an inverted bucket. Sufficient buoyancy and subdivision is also required to ensure that flooding of one compartment does not lead to the jacket sinking or making the installation operation impossible to complete. For a horizontal seabed. The gravity base is a body of sufficient mass to adequately resist the vertical loads, and horizontal loads applied to a tidal current energy converter, with an acceptable factor of safety. This method only requires one crane albeit it has to be capable of lifting the full jacket weight without assistance. External surface of an offshore platform due to the fact that the slipforming occurred too late. Jacket structures that are too heavy to be lifted can be launched into the sea off a launch barge. The size and weight of the foundations (from 1500 to 4500 tons) make transport and installation cumbersome, and it is worth noting that the seabed must be prepared by dredging and backfilling material to install the foundation. Figure 1.10 illustrates the typical construction sequence employed for the North Sea structures. These types of structures were pioneered by Norway, consistent with their design expertise, construction facilities, and construction skills that leaned heavily toward concrete rather than steel. Launched jackets need to have sufficient reserve buoyancy in order to ensure they float at the end of the launch sequence. When steel structures are designed for deeper water (in excess of 250 ft), pile-leg grouting is prevalent. Launch simulation of a self-upending jacket. Additional buoyancy located appropriately is sometimes required to achieve the required level of reserve buoyancy or to ensure the jacket will upend itself at the end of the launch sequence. The lightship displacement of the gravity based structures can be of the order of several hundred thousand tonnes. The foundation aspects are considered individually and collectively as part of the design process for a GBS. The second observation reflects the industry’s desire to put into practice the lessons learned from the offshore developments that have taken place worldwide. The Hibernia Gravity Base Structure is an offshore oil platform on the Hibernia oilfield southeast of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.. A 600-kilotonne gravity base structure (GBS) built after the Ocean Ranger disaster, it sits in 80 metres (44 fathoms) of water directly on the floor of the North Atlantic Ocean 315 kilometres (196 mi) off St. John's, Newfoundland at Coordinates Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. A Kiewit joint venture constructed the concrete gravity base structure and fabricated and installed the topside mechanical works. Typically, using a range of standards, the structure is designed to meet the criteria laid down for the ultimate progressive collapse, fatigue, and serviceability limit states. 1999. Most of the horizontal loads are directly related to the diameter of the tubular members and their locations within the structure. Insulated slip forms have been used successfully during the construction of three large liquefied gas reservoirs of 180,000 m3 in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. This path is substantially different for the overturning moment as well as axial loads. Bader Diab Naji Tahan, in Handbook of Offshore Engineering, 2005. A gravity-based foundation is a very heavy displacement structure usually made of concrete (Fig. It was deter… The template was derived from the function of the first offshore structures to serve as a guide for the piles. It was found that a combination of poor geometry and an inadequate design were the causes of the platform's failure. This allows economical bottom-founded structures to be designed for water depths, which would not be practical for fixed structures. For a gravity base to be effective, the seabed must be reasonably level, thereby requiring preparation in advance if it is not already suitable. The jacket is then ballasted in a controlled manner until it is upended a few meters above the seabed. Jackets installed in such a configuration are typically less than 50 m tall. The jacket legs and braces transmit environmental and topsides loads into the piles and subsequently into the seabed. Use of twin cranes on a single vessel or use of two crane vessels is often deployed to provide the required lifting capability. Offshore Magazine (January). Careful examination of the installation process by the geotechnical engineer and integration with other elements of the platform design and construction is necessary. As such, the rocker arms and the supporting hinges can be substantial structures. The jacket legs are made buoyant by the use of rubber diaphragms at their bottom ends and steel caps at the top. The top-hung template requires that moment from lateral wave loads be transmitted up the structure to be resolved into axial pile loads. The most common type of offshore structure in service today is the jacket (or template) structure, as illustrated in Fig. 7—Structural integrity management (SIM) process (courtesy of MSL Engineering). The launch truss is an integral part of the jacket structure and serves to transfer the weight of the jacket into the skid beams and the rocker arm during the launching operation. During its construction, it became necessary to decrease the weight of the structure to improve its buoyancy because new heavy mechanical equipment had to be added onto the gravity base structure. Feng Fu, in Design and Analysis of Tall and Complex Structures, 2018. 2000. To simplify installation and hookup at sea, the equipment and facilities are often placed in modules, which may weigh several hundreds to many thousands of tons. Successful lift installations of heavy offshore structures require comprehensive and detailed studies involving many engineering and geometrical constraints including geometric configuration of the structure, its weight and centre of gravity, member strength, rigging details, lifting crane vessel and other construction constraints. The suction pile essentially comprises a plate, usually circular, and is surrounded and reinforced by a skirt. All of these structures were partially built in a drydock and then completed afloat in sheltered waters. A cubic meter of concrete with a dry mass of about 2600 kg will weigh approximately 1600 kg due to its buoyancy in water and can only be used to secure 12,700 N. This makes precast concrete gravity anchors poor holding value for a given volume handled and unsuitable for securing all but the smallest of devices. The following methods are the most common for a jacket installation. However, the development of fields in the future using this technology may be limited, primarily in light of the trend toward subsea wells with long tie-backs and floating production systems. The failure mechanism was then concluded to be a shear failure that split open several walls in one of the platform shafts, which led to leakage of water which induced the final collapse. 5—Jacket structure being lift-installed (Photographic Services, Shell Intl., London). 2000. The ballasting permits the skirts to penetrate into the seabed. Lateral wave loads that produce high base shear and overturning moments heavily influence deepwater jacket designs. Jackets are designed to be either self-upending or upended with the assistance of a crane vessel. Prestressing is essential, because it permits the concrete to act in compression at all times. It is a gravity base structure, built in the fashion of typical Condeep platforms which are reinforced concrete structures floating in water up to 300-m deep. Then, the tower section is transported on the deck of a launch barge and launched into water. This difficult situation lasted for 3 days before normal winter conditions prevailed again and no longer disturbed the slipforming operation. 3—Sequence for jacket installation by launching (courtesy of MSL Engineering). SPE disclaims any and all liability for your use of such content. A jacket installed using this method needs to have sufficient buoyancy to float in the horizontal position by itself. 1.3.2 Concrete Gravity Platforms Concrete gravity platforms are mostly used in the areas where feasibility of pile installation is remote. Most GBSs are designed for several functions, namely combined drilling, production, and oil storage. Coincidentally, the ballasting of the GBS for deck installation prior to towing to site is often regarded as an effective, full-scale, inshore pressure test prior to offshore installation. It will consist of a reinforced concrete structure designed to withstand the weight of the topsides, icebergs, and meteorological and oceanographic conditions at the offshore Hebron Project Site. The topsides structure is similar to that for steel-jacket structures (i.e., it is either an integrated steel-deck configuration or is of modular construction with a module support frame). This temperature difference created problems when the forms had to be lifted. The early development of gravity platforms in the 1970s was driven by the generic requirement to store large volumes of oil and support a heavy topsides in deepwater. FPSO – Floating Production, Storage Offloader From the above we shall examine the steel jacket fixed platform in the following sections. Gravity Based Structure Contracting Strategy The Hebron field will be developed using a stand-alone, gravity-based structure (GBS) that sits on the ocean floor. While the vast majority of fixed offshore structures utilize steel-jacket substructures to support the topsides facilities, a number of offshore installations utilize a substructure manufactured from reinforced concrete. Compliant towers are made of several rigid steel sections joined together by hinges such that the tower can sway under environmental loads. Minimal Structures Open Global Production Opportunities. 3 reveals that a number of critical factors must be considered as part of the jacket design process: Fig. Use this section to list papers in OnePetro that a reader who wants to learn more should definitely read, Use this section to provide links to relevant material on websites other than PetroWiki and OnePetro, Concrete gravity based offshore structures. Table 14.1 summarises the experience in the offshore industry with towing such platforms while Fig. They are flat panels that are made of stiffened steel plate or, to reduce weight, from glass reinforced plastics. Over the decades, the piles have grown in size (number, diameter, and length) in line with the jacket structures. In following the development of the technology related to fixed steel structures and the historic achievements, two additional observations are worthy of note. Another advantage of the use of insulated forms when slipforming is that the concrete placed inside the forms hardens in quasi-isotropic and quasi-adiabatic conditions. 9 shows a typical set of construction and installation steps for a GBS. The design of a jacket structure is a matter of: Design forces on jacket structures, shown as arrows in Fig. [5] These platforms were also designed for sea access rather than helicopter access, thereby reducing the topsides facilities. Once vertical, the jacket will be lowered and manoeuvred into position often with the guidance of a pre-installed docking pile. Normally the tower section is much larger than the base section. The use of MFPs is set to grow over the next decade. It can be observed that offshore hookup is minimized because most of the topsides equipment and facilities are commissioned onshore prior to placement on the deck. The base is usually 15-25 m in diameter, and all of the forces and bending moments are transported through the base of the foundation. This phase is known as the “unpiled stability” phase. Mudmats are sized so as to support the combined loads of the jacket weight and buoyancy, weight of piles that have to be supported on the jacket and environmental loads associated with the installation window. Today, vessels with a lift capacity up to 14,000 tons exist, allowing most jacket structures to be lift-installed in a cost-effective manner. The production equipment and facilities are often called the topsides. Through leg piles are connected to the jacket legs at the top using shim plates, known as “crown shims,” that are installed in the annulus between the leg and the pile and are welded to both. The lifting slings are then disconnected from the crane hook and the upending slings are connected to the hook. The gravity base structure (GBS) of the Sleipner platform was the twelfth in a series of GBS platforms of Condeep-type designed and built by the company Norwegian Contractors in Gandsfjorden near Stavanger, Norway. Therefore, pile weight is an important part of total structural weight. The second set of slings – the upending slings – are attached to padeyes at the top of the legs when the jacket is in the upright position. Once vertical, the tower section, is ballasted to the required float-over draft. In Behavior of Offshore Structures. The completed platform is de-ballasted to a minimum draft for towing and is towed using tug boats to its final location and ballasted onto the seabed. Norway’s fjords provided the ideal sites to permit construction of these large substructures. C239R003 Rev 1. In some structures, the annulus between the jacket and the pile is grouted, although this is no longer a common practice. The Sleipner A (SLA-1) platform was used for drilling in the Sleipner gas field in the North Sea. Some consideration should be given to provide remotely operated valves with manual back-up. The jacket buoyancy has to be designed so as to allow easy access for rigging the upending slings, while the jacket floats horizontally. Available water depth, underkeel and horizontal clearances in the tow route. Figure 14.3 shows a typical launching sequence of a jacket that was designed to be self-upending. Done remotely the Troll platform ( Photographic Services, Shell Int., London ) and Manley, B for of! Bottom structure is ballasted to the industry is to lift it in position often... Seabed ) arrows in Fig be uprighted by a barge anchor, and )! `` Condeep '' concept, London ) structures can be resisted by a crane vessel process: Fig clearances the! 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