If you are taking too many things at once, you don't really know what is having an effect. for( var x = 0; oFrame && oFrame.frames && x < oFrame.frames.length; x++ ) { What I would do in the off-season is train to failure or beyond that point sometimes and tried to maintain the weights I used in the off-season, pre-contest, although they would naturally go down slightly, especially in the last four weeks. So no diet would have solved that particular problem. So I don't worry about cutting any sodium until about two days before the contest, then I would not use any condiments on my food and would even eliminate the egg whites because they are quite high in sodium. } 1.1m Followers, 145 Following, 2,031 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Dorian Yates (@thedorianyates) To stay on top of his goals, he kept meticulous records of all of his workout sessions starting in 1983. While it’s easy to say that mass monster physiques have reached new levels in the Men’s Open division, it also overlooks how much else has expanded in the bodybuilding industry. [ Q ] How effective is supplementation for one who has a good diet? Again, you might be using protein for energy. We are the #1 channel for entrepreneurs because of the best interviews, best how to videos, best case studies and because we defend capitalism and educate entrepreneurs. It was theoretically anabolic, this high fat diet. Sometimes these guys don't even have time to get to point A, so they are smaller each contest. And the high protein/low carbohydrate intake has a slight diuretic effect, and that is why people lose weight quickly on this kind of diet. There is nothing new about that diet, by the way. And the only time when whey would be useful on its own would be after a workout. Micronized Creatine. Below is an example of the workout routine that Dorian Yates used to build one of the largest and most impressive bodies in bodybuilding. And that would mean that if the person stopped the growth hormone they would still have a distended belly. 301-400 grams. And I would constantly monitor it from week to week. [ Q ] How would your training change during this period, and how would you load? function Get( oName, oFrame, oDoc ) { Yes, and they are not having a period of time with a high calorie intake. [ Q ] Not everybody experiences this distension so if they are all taking the same stuff would it not be the case that they all should have GH gut? Dorian Yates discusses his ... Before we get started on the interview, Yates gives me a personal tour of the place, showing off the chilled vibes and cool decor of the club (as well as the Bob Marley tattoo on his leg). In our latest GI Exclusive Vault interview, Dorian Yates reflects on the moment Ronnie Coleman surpassed Yates’ record. Dorian was the very best in his field for a long, long, time, and he generally refuses to do interviews with other magazines. How many calories are you burning? That’s the motto that has dominated bodybuilding throughout most of its history. [ Q ] When would you eliminate sodium when dialling yourself in? Kre-Alkalyn, for example, requires much smaller dosages and is faster absorbed. Dorian Yates has always been a bodybuilder that isn’t afraid to bluntly state his opinions on bodybuilding topics. Get("tcarb").innerHTML = locarb + "-" + hicarb + " grams"; If you are going to take one of these I would recommend taking one that features a combination of proteins - micellar casein and whey, along with maybe egg white protein, rather than just taking one source, like whey protein. Here, in his own words exclusively for Express.co.uk, is … Sign in Create account. So it will provide a better amino acid profile if you include some yolks as well. [ Q ] So while it might look impressive in the gym that may not necessarily be the case onstage. I don't know exactly what the guys are all doing but that's my best guess. Tuesday 24th May 2011. Related Products . But the guys were used to taking lots of testosterone and they weren't allowed to take it (the show was drug tested). I used to use oatmeal, rice, sweet potatoes and a small amount of different fruits. It is not something I agree with. Dorian Yates - The Genius Scientist of Bodybuilding. Today below I have something special for you it’s a YouTube video Interview of the great body building star Dorian Yates the 6 time Mr. Olympia winner. function reset2() You don't need to restrict yourself - if you are constantly doing this it is not healthy - but just being sensible with your diet and eating enough to gain muscle without so much body fat is the best way to go. Yes there are 101 diets like this but it is the same thing. This increases the volume of fluid in the body, and drives blood pressure up. [ Q ] What are your thoughts on eating prior to sleep at night? So the idea is to keep amino acids circulating in your blood all of the time as muscle repair and other cell repair is an ongoing process. I always start with the basics and work up. During the filming of Ronnie Coleman: The King, we spoke to a wide variety of legendary bodybuilders. You can try to increase your protein for a month, over the 1.5 grams, to see if there is any benefit to doing this. [ Q ] We live in an age where people want progress now and are not willing to wait. Dorian Yates is one of the most legendary bodybuilders of all time. Dorian Andrew Mientjez Yates (born 19 April 1962) is an English former professional bodybuilder. Disc #2 From the Archives: Seminar at Liberty’s – 120 mins Train with “The Shadow” – 70 mins Photo Albums & Slideshow RT Disc #2: 190 mins. [ Q ] This same approach could be applied to nutrition in general? In our latest GI Exclusive Vault interview, Dorian Yates believes that Women’s Bodybuilding simply isn’t appealing enough to majority of fans. Rehydration And 'Sport Drink' Ingredients! It gets to a point where it's hard to recover, so for a beginner I definitely wouldn't recommend them. Actually, taking an energy drink that is sugar-based, which nearly all of them are, you risk experiencing almost a reverse effect; you might release insulin, which will bring your blood sugar even lower down than it was originally. Ever analytically sharp and commonsensical he has mastered the art of designing, with pinpoint accuracy, effective training and nutrition programs, his personal bodybuilding journey testimony to his resourcefulness. It may be that it's neither of those things because I think that if it were growth hormone it would be internal growth of the organs. I would start by figuring out where my maintenance calories were at, and then go below that. Just Drink Water, Backstage At A Competition! var theOb = Get( oName, null, oDoc.layers[x].document ); if( theOb ) { return theOb; } } It can't be good for you. Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE). Overcomplicating the process, whether nutrition or training related, was never an option for Dorian, and his no-nonsense bodybuilding approach underscored this fact. I am not of the school of thought where you should not eat after a certain hour at night; I think this is stupid. It’s also worth reading the interview with Dorian Yates which follows, in order to get a better feel for the HIT mindset and approach. I would have a simple carbohydrate and protein drink after training. Effervescent Creatine. 501-600 grams. Condition is "Good". I think it could be intestinal water retention from different compounds and so on. If Dorian Yates never tore his tricep muscle – he would have continued his laser focus on pro bodybuilding. At age 57, he still manages to … for( var x = 0; x < oDoc.forms.length; x++ ) { if( oDoc.forms[x][oName] ) { return oDoc.forms[x][oName]; } } In our latest GI Exclusive Vault interview, Dorian Yates believes that Women’s Bodybuilding simply isn’t appealing enough to majority of fans. There were no teammates or family, his success was all up to him. It does vary: the top competitors' tolerance to carbohydrates. And, at this stage, you are not going to lose the water in the muscle because you are not training or anything, so you are not using any of the energy. You are not burning as much energy at night so I probably wouldn't eat as many carbohydrates at night as I did for breakfast or after training, but I still have carbohydrates at this time. Professional Bodybuilder and 6 time Mr. Olympia winner Dorian Yates sits down with London Real to discuss how his “High Intensity Training” techniques changed the sport, the specifics of his steroid use and its effects, how he psychologically reinvented himself after his abrupt retirement in 1997, and his thoughts on conspiracy theories, psychedelics, and cannabis. A good quality vitamin and mineral supplement with extra vitamin C, a good protein supplement is almost essential and then you start adding things into that mix. In sports, carbohydrate loading, colloquially known as carb-loading, is a strategy employed by endurance athletes such as marathon runners to maximize the storage of glycogen in the muscles. I don't recommend them to anyone but for someone who is just starting it would be especially detrimental. [ Q ] Given steroids help with protein assimilation and greater muscle growth as a result, surely this is an attractive proposition to those who are beginning bodybuilding? 0-100 grams. The highest I ever went in the off-season was about 6000 calories. You can convert amino acids into glucose so your body can turn protein into energy and this could result with excessive protein intake. However, he does not train like a bodybuilder anymore, despite being in phenomenal shape. Bringing it down to protein and fats in the evening for half a day tends to have a flushing effect, if you are holding any extra water. Number three would probably be creatine or a pre-workout Nitric Oxide formula. Be the first to receive exciting news, features, and special offers from Bodybuilding.com! 600+ grams. Dorian Yates shares much of his nutrition knowledge and provides valuable advice for those who are either new to the game or are lost in a quagmire of conflicting viewpoints. for( var x = 0; oFrame && oFrame.frames && x < oFrame.frames.length; x++ ) { Creatine Phosphate. Below is an example of the workout routine that Dorian Yates used to build one of the largest and most impressive bodies in bodybuilding. Dorian Yates Discusses Bodybuilding Training! In this interview, Yates talks about how bodybuilding was a solo experience. Creatine Monohydrate. And when I went on a high fat/low carbohydrate/high protein diet I had no energy, was very weak and lost muscle size. It all depends on the intensity of your training, but I would say that one gram per pound of body weight is a minimum - between there and 1.5. Messages: 21,696 Likes Received: 18,925. been to a few of his seminars back in the day and found him to be very honest... eg was at a thing of his in Hackney a while … [ Q ] How high would you increase your calories in the off-season? Unless you have an existing medical condition it's not much of a problem. Subscribe to the channel and click the bell to get notifications. Here, in his own words exclusively for Express.co.uk, is … [ Q ] What would be the three main supplements you would recommend to a beginning bodybuilder? He won the Mr. Olympia title six consecutive times from 1992 to 1997 and has the fifth-highest number of Mr. Olympia wins in history, ranking behind Ronnie Coleman (8), Lee Haney (8), Arnold Schwarzenegger (7), and Phil Heath (7). © 2020 Bodybuilding.com. Use our calculators to find out for over 600 exercises and activities! Who is Dorian Yates? } The first week I would usually experience a pretty rapid weight drop because of water loss. Dorian Yates was one such bodybuilder, the reigning champ just before Ronnie rose up to the occasion. Like everything else it is basically pretty systematic and fairly sensible. He won the Mr. Olympia title six consecutive times from 1992 to 1997 and has the fifth-highest number of Mr. Olympia wins in history, ranking behind Ronnie Coleman (8), Lee Haney (8), Arnold Schwarzenegger (7), and Phil Heath (7). [ Q ] Thank you for your openness and insights Dorian. locarb = ""; Dorian Yates (@thedorianyates) was the guest on Valuetainment Episode 397 with Patrick Bet-David where he discussed Growing up, Bodybuilding, and Life after Bodybuilding. Dorian Yates is a former professional bodybuilder who was crowned Mr. Olympia six consecutive times, from 1992 to 1997, and holds the fourth-highest number of Mr. Olympia titles of all time behind bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Haney, Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman. Transcripts may contain a few typos—with some episodes lasting 2+ hours, it’s difficult to catch some minor errors. Visit Dorian Yates' website, join the members section and gain exclusive access to an around the clock, one of a kind view of gym life in one of the world's most popular training establishments, Temple Gym. Oh yeah, it is in the off-season where all the gains are made, not before the contest when you are on a calorie restricted diet. if( !oFrame && window[oName] ) { return window[oName]; } if( oFrame && oFrame[oName] ) { return oFrame[oName]; } You have cheaper casein like calcium casein that is very hard to be broken down by the body and the quality is not so high. And would you recommend others do this? So it could be a wide variance of reactions. AN EXPLOSIVE no-holds-barred interview with six-time Mr Olympia Dorian Yates was published in the Daily Express on Friday. Here, in his own words exclusively for Express.co.uk, is … And the steroids work better with a good base of muscle in place rather than for somebody who has just begun training. Home; Stream; Library; Search. Dorian Yates was one such bodybuilder, the reigning champ just before Ronnie rose up to the occasion. In the last week I used to do it and it worked fairly well for people I have trained for contests. And your body has to eliminate it as well so it will put further stress on your system. { AN EXPLOSIVE no-holds-barred interview with six-time Mr Olympia Dorian Yates was published in the Daily Express on Friday. for( var x = 0; oFrame && oFrame.frames && x < oFrame.frames.length; x++ ) { Original Poster. Well before he won his first Mr. Olympia title in 1992 (one of the six he would ultimately claim), Dorian was a thinking-man's bodybuilder. It just seems really excessive to me and perhaps you aren't going to absorb your nutrition as efficiently if you are drinking too much water. [ Q ] Would you recommend the high fat diets that are resurging today? He will structure in carbohydrates depending on his metabolism - how fast his body is burning calories; a good place to establish this is in the off-season - but generally it would be double the protein, so two grams of carbohydrates for each gram of protein: 600 grams a day for a our hypothetical bodybuilder. Enter Dorian Yates. Yes I always used to do that, even when I was dieting, although my eating would be more protein and fat based at this point. SoundCloud SoundCloud. document.carb.bodymass2.value=""; [ Q ] With a reduction in carbohydrates often comes a decrease in energy output. His brutal honesty about anabolic steroids, his time in … Stay tuned for the full interview. Listen to the interview here or by selecting any of the options below. Upload. Is the old gram per pound of bodyweight guideline still a good target? Reply Reply Author. I would rather be slightly flat, but very sharp, than fuller and more bloated. I wanted to maintain it and I thought if I could keep the intensity and the weights the same as in the off-season I would not lose muscle. Why not 5:55 or 6:04pm? I have to admit, I debated long and hard about running this interview. I'm not a medical expert but I do believe that the kidneys eliminate protein waste, so basically it's making them work harder. } Dorian Yates - Interview. But the separation is not so defined. Get("tcarb3").innerHTML = locarb + " grams"; In the off-season I was on 2000 grams of carbohydrates a day and 400-500 grams getting ready for a contest, and my contest condition was better than most, for sure, so my body fat was very low on 400 grams of carbohydrates a day. After training it is good to get that sugar-based/protein mix to shunt everything towards the muscles, which are depleted at that time. High calorie intake, for example, will it do this or that ''... 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